
Heat Stress in Cattle

Prevent Heat Stress in Cattle

With temperatures on the rise, it’s important to have a strategy in place to prevent heat stress in cattle. Follow these tips to keep your herd comfortable through the hot summer months.  

Strategies to Prevent Heat Stress in Cattle

Implementing these strategies will help prevent heat stress: 

1. Ensure access to fresh water. Consider adding additional waterers if space is crowded

2. Place waterers in shaded areas to keep cool

3. Keep water tanks clean and monitor them often

4. Provide shade by utilizing trees, buildings or manmade structures

5. Keep herd environments clean by removing excess feed, manure and wet debris

6. Work cattle early in the morning when temperatures are cooler 

7. Ensure your herd’s environment has good airflow 

8. Monitor your cattle throughout the day, especially on hot days, to ensure they’re not overheating. Refill water whenever necessary 

9. Schedule an on-site consultation with a Munson Lakes Sales Nutritionist to discuss your herd’s feeding program and heat stress prevention measures

How to Recognize Heat Stress 

Watch for the following signs of heat stress, so you can intervene before there’s a negative impact on your cattle’s health: 

  • Reduced movement 
  • Decreased appetite 
  • Excessive water consumption 
  • Fast or open-mouthed breathing


Call our office at 320.543.2561 to be connected to a Munson Lakes Sales Nutritionist to discuss a personalized program for your operation. Feel free to ask our Nutritionists about electrolytes, feeding trials, supplements and more!